
Good Toothbrushing Award

Our practice has a ‘Good Toothbrushing Award’ programme. Every month, Dr Pang and our clinical staff will select the patient who has the best oral hygiene, and we reward them with a very special Good Toothbrushing Award. This consists of a gift voucher and your (first) name on display in the waiting room. More importantly, you will have started down the road of good oral hygiene for life. Come on, try, and get your name on the monthly winner list.

Our winner for November 2022 was Amy, and for October 2022 it was Abbey. Ava was our winner for September. Congratulations Amy, Abbey, and Ava! Great effort, keep up the good brushing. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a winner in December, but hopefully we will get a candidate for January 2023. Maintaining a good level of oral hygiene should be well up there on the list of New Year resolutions. Well done again to our winners!

Masks in the Clinic

Patients and visitors to our practice are not required to wear face masks anymore. However, please wear a face mask if you feel more comfortable wearing one. If you have forgotten to bring your mask, we have spares, just let our friendly receptionist know.

Air Purifiers

We have installed air purifiers at both our clinics, with HEPA filters. They will be quietly working away to filter the air at both practices.

iTero Intraoral Scanner

Another addition to our practice is our iTero intraoral scanner. Dr Pang and our dental therapists have undergone training and attended a workshop on utilising it in orthodontics. The scanner is used to scan our patients’ teeth and surrounding structure, instead of having to take a dental impression using a tray. Our intraoral scanner has the capability to capture 3D accuracy of the entire dentition in high resolution, creating records of the hard and soft tissue. This helps Dr Pang in diagnosis and treatment planning and is an important advance in our treatment capabilities.


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